Release of the new version 5 of the NAP Transport Network Analysis and Planning software in June 2022.

NAP (Network Analysis and Planning) is a complete software for the analysis and planning of transmission power grids (MV and HV). Widely used for load flow studies, short-circuit calculation and incident simulation, it makes it possible to carry out network analyses and plan new extensions (transport master plan, power plant interconnection study, etc.). 

The new version 5 (published in 2022) is now available and offers a new data management completely modernized with new capabilities for capturing and visualizing networks in single-line mixed mode and cartographic (GIS).


NAP 5 also integrates new renewable energy generators (solar and intermittent wind) and storage modules in an optimized way for more detailed grid analyses and meet current requirements. Its new automatic calculation engine also makes it possible to compare different scenarios and identify the most appropriate solution in the case of a transport network extension study.

Software to download in one click, NAP 5 uses the latest technologies to provide planners and decision-makers fast professional results through a modern and user-friendly interface.

The NAP 2022 version can now be tested for free on our Download Page.