Socially-responsible behaviour is at the very root of our company's life and activities

IMG 0057IED is a responsible company that makes every effort to ensure exemplary conduct, both internally and as part of its consulting and engineering services, to protect the environment and promote economic and social development.

Sustainable development has always been at the core of our approach. We are careful to provide technical solutions that are environmentally friendly and adapted to the needs of the populations, whilst also ensuring that the services provided locally are appropriate from a social and economic standpoint.


In 2012, IED was awarded the "Lyon, ville équitable et durable" (Lyon, fair and sustainable city) label. Clogo lvedreated in 2010, this label reflects the City of Lyon's commitment to identifying companies, shops, artisans, locations and events that meet the challenges of sustainable development by offering consumers responsible products and services.


Sustainable development

Green electricity

IED has chosen Enercoop as its electricity supplier, to participate each day in the development of renewable energies. Enercoop was created by players in the social and solidarity economy and the ecology and renewable energy sectors. Set up as a non-profit cooperative carrying out a public service function (Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif or SCIC in French), Enercoop brings together electricity producers, consumers, employees, partners, and communities that wish to work together towards a new energy model.


Carbon offsetting

ED has chosen South Pole Carbon Asset Management to manage the group's carbon offsetting. In 2011, IED offset its carbon emissions by buying 199 metric tons of CO2 from South Pole Carbon Asset Management for a total of 3,383 euros, which was subsequently invested in a reforestation project in Uganda. In 2010, 440 metric tons of CO2 were purchased for a total of 6,600 euros, which was allocated to a wind farm project in Taiwan.


Choosing local services providers

We take special care to hire service providers from our own Greater Lyon region. Whether we need office cleaning services, printing and copying, office supplies, equipment maintenance (printers, telephones, etc.), or help with marketing, we hire local businesses and play our part in boosting our local economy.


Responsible consumption

IED purchases the tea, coffee and other products consumed by employees on a daily basis from fair trade companies. The company IED hires to clean its premises only uses products bearing the European Ecolabel.


Participation in networks focused on Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsability

IED is a member of PEXE. The objectives of the French association PEXE are to boost the individual and collective competitiveness of eco-companies in France and worldwide, and to create a sector of excellence in the field of eco-activities.

IED is a member of the CLER, the network for energy transition. The CLER is a registered environmental protection association which was created in 1984. Its purpose is the promotion of renewable energy sources and energy management. Some 200 professionals from all over France make up this network.
IED is also a member of ADEME International and of the APPEL network, which groups together all of France's eco-companies.

Anjali Shanker, IED's Managing Director, is a member of ARE, the Alliance for Rural Electrification.
IED plays an active role in a number of networks and participates in think-tanks on the challenges of sustainable development and issues relating to corporate social responsibility.


Systematic recycling

ll of IED's employees systematically recycle waste. The company uses recycled paper and prints on paper made with fibre from sustainably managed forests.

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Social fund

fonds socialOwing to the nature of its engineering activities, which focus on the electrification of developing countries, IED is highly involved in and committed to a number of causes. Since its creation, IED has contributed to sustainable development by applying the best practices possible within the company.

As part of its commitment to social responsibility, IED supports projects that fulfil the needs of our societies in a concrete and sustainable manner. To continue this collective effort, which is important to everyone in the company, IED has created a social fund.

This way, employees can show their commitment to projects which they believe in and are personally involved in, and each year several actions are supported and encouraged.


Assistance vulnerable and disavantaged people

In our world, the most basic needs go unmet for some people. IED strives to support concrete projects which seek to fulfil the basic needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged people: food, health care, education and work are not within everyone's reach in a society where the socioeconomic gap is widening for victims of poverty, illness, and financial hardship.


Ashalayam Association

ashalayamAshalayam is an Indian organization created in 1987 aiming at the rehabilitation of the street children of Calcutta, whatever are their class and their religion, to offer them the opportunity of an educational and professional future. IED has been supported this association for several years.

One of the projects concerns a book which tells the story of two children of Calcutta since they arrived in Ashalayam association. IED has contributed to the publishing of the book in French and in English.

IED has also supported 4 scholarships over 3 years for children from the association. Supporting their long-term education, IED is involved in a project aiming at optimizing the chances of school and professional success of these young


Developing and spreading culture and the arts

Culture and the arts play a fundamental role in society. They reflect our ways of thinking and how we view the world. By sharing the work of designers, artists and authors, IED contributes to a richer cultural life and helps it to spread.



Zongo Seydou alias Zêdess is an artist from Burkina-Faso. He recorded his first title in 1990 for the second album of the Ouagadougou University Orchestra.

In 1992, he created his album " Y'a plus de boulot », and in 1995 his album "« Embouteillage » Zêdess tells hard story of some Burkinabé young people. His music is a mix of reggae and Burkinabe folklore and traditional rhythms like warba or wiré.
He chose to sing in French to get a larger audience. His texts are the first reason of his success. They mix humor with an deep analysis of society issues which affect us closely.

Il a choisi de chanter en français dans le but d'élargir son public, ses textes sont la première raison de succès car les burkinabés se reconnaissent, il mêle l'humour à son sens de l'observation pour aborder des problèmes de société qui nous touchent de près.

IED contributed to his last CD


Environment et responsible consumption

In a world where the environment has become a source of great concern both on a local and a global scale, encouraging social initiatives for protecting the planet has become a necessity. Since IED's work focuses on issues relating to access to energy, the company is highly involved in this area. Supporting initiatives that encourage biodiversity, local farming and the protection of natural resources is therefore one of the major focal points of the company's social fund.

L’ensemble des salariés d’IED pratiquent le recyclage systématique des déchets. L’entreprise s’approvisionne en papier recyclé et utilise du papier issu de forêts gérées durablement pour ses impressions.


Ingénieurs sans frontières

isfThe National Days of ISF join every year approximately 250 persons for a weekend of debates and training on the themes of the international solidarity and sustainable development.

In 2012, for 30 years of ISF, the local group of ISF Lyon organized the National Days on the theme "Committed engineers for tomorrow ".

ISF Lyon, supported by IED via his social funds organized the weekend in March 2012 by respecting a strict Code of Ethics: minimization of transport by car (250 persons coming from all France by train or bus), meals prepared with local products, or coming from the fair trade.


Sports and other associations

Just like culture and the arts, sports and associations play a major part in structuring the community. IED supports several sports associations and, in doing so, promotes strong values such as team spirit and pushing one's limits.


Projet Educasport à Madagascar

educasportEducasport is an association which create a link between study and sport (handball). It aims at helping players of any categories of age (young people from 13 to 18 years old and professionnall trainings for the more than 18 years old. Every category is represented by 16 players).

IED contributed to the creation of the second class to pursue the training of 16 young players.


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