Renewable energy. Domestic energy  Energy Efficiency



National Integrated Energy Resource Plan of Zimbabwe

Country : Zimbabwe. .
Client : Ministry of Energy and Power Development
Start Date : 2024-03-31
Completion Date : 2025-03-01
Value of services : 235 200 EUROS
Funder : AfDB (African Development Bank) .
Associate/Partner : SustEnergy, Artelys
Description :
The objective of the project was to develop a sophisticated model of Zimbabwe's energy sector. The study included a detailed analysis of primary and final energy consumption across various sources such as coal, petroleum products, biomass, and electricity. This model spanned essential sectors including residential, commercial, transportation, industrial, mining, and agriculture, thus providing a unified view of the nation's energy consumption patterns.

Key results included:
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The model's capability extended to assessing greenhouse gas emissions of the energy sector, shedding light on the potential environmental impacts.

Transitioning from the technical achievements of the model, the overarching goal was to empower Zimbabwe with a modeling tool designed to inform a strategic energy transition plan by 2050. This initiative was inextricably linked with the broader objectives of poverty reduction and climate change mitigation.

To realize this vision, the following steps were taken:
• Develop Decision-Making Tools: The project focused on creating robust tools that would assist the Ministry of Energy and Power Development in incorporating the challenges of poverty reduction and climate change into its energy transition policy.

• Enhance National Expertise: Efforts were made to strengthen Zimbabwe's capacity in energy sector modeling, emphasizing the understanding of the connections between the energy transition trajectory, poverty reduction, and climate change.

The culmination of this process was the formulation of policy briefs and an action plan, which were developed based on the comprehensive analysis. These documents aimed to guide the implementation of the energy transition strategy effectively.

This multifaceted approach ensured that the energy model served not only as a tool for understanding consumption patterns but also as a cornerstone for informed policy-making and strategic planning, marking a significant step towards a sustainable future for Zimbabwe.
Description of the Actual Services Provided The main deliverables were ;
• Final CEPIA model
• Final report encompassing :
• Collected data
• Detailed methodology
• Detailed hypothesis
• Detailed results per sector
• Global results (primary energy consumption, final energy consumption, Green Houses Gases Emissions)
• Policy briefs
• Action plan
• Economical assessment of the plan
• Training of steering committee technical members on prospective analysis & energy modeling