Kenya Kenya


Implementation year



Impacts and initiatives

Active in Kenya since the early 2000s, with numerous projects primarily focused on developing renewable energies, our subsidiary in Kenya was established in 2016. This was marked by the Green Mini-Grids project, funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Union (EU) via the French Development Agency (AFD). From 2020, the SETA project has been instrumental in strengthening the capacities of national institutions and the energy teams of county services, thereby solidifying our presence. This project is funded by the European Union (EU).  


Since the office opened in 2016, Philippe Delogé has been our on-site Administrative and Financial Manager.


  • GTIEA “Greening the Tea Industry in East Africa” (2004 to 2008): We supported the East African tea industry through its regional association, EATTA, by developing the mini-hydroelectric potential near its factories. This initiative involved conducting studies on more than 15 sites, each with a capacity of a few megawatts. In Kenya, our collaboration with the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) led to several of these studies being implemented about 10 years later.
  • GMG Facility: For 6 years, IED served as the Fund Manager for the Mini-Grid facility project. The GMG project aims at facilitating private sector investment in the renewable energy-powered rural electrification mini-grid sector in Kenya. It provided funds that covered up to 50% of investments, supporting four private operators in electrifying approximately 100 villages. Additionally, the project improved the regulatory framework for mini-grids through EPRA’s technical assistance, promoted the development of productive uses, and structured the private sector of mini-grid operators by supporting the AMDA association.
  • SETA: On behalf of the Ministry of Energy and with funding from the European Union, we developed a methodology, trained stakeholders in its implementation, and supported 16 counties in developing their County Energy Plans (CEP). At the national level, SETA contributed to organizing energy data collection by a dedicated unit within the Ministry, strengthening future planning efforts. The project also enhanced consultation and cooperation between public institutions, private operators, and civil society.