Bénin Benin


Year of implantation


Years in local business





Historique dans le pays

Our activities in Benin began in 2005 with a regional project focused on the “White Paper for Access to Modern Energy Services for Rural and Peri-Urban Populations in the Economic Community of West African States.” Since then, we have remained highly active in the energy and electricity sectors and established our subsidiary, IED Benin, in 2021. Operating with various public and private partners, we manage a diverse range of projects with multifaceted funding sources, including:

  • Institutional Projects:
    Development and updating of the Master Plan for the electricity sector (SBEE) and the National Electricity Strategy (Ministry of Energy).
    Implementation of the regulatory framework for off-grid electrification (ABERME, Regulator, etc.).
  • Engineering Services:APS, APD, and EIES studies for electricity networks (transmission and distribution).
    Delegated project management and works supervision.
    Training and deployment of GISELEC (electrical calculation tool).
    Social intermediation.
  • Gasifier Power Plants Supply:
    Providing gasifier power plants to private clients.

Our projects reflect our commitment to advancing energy solutions and enhancing access to modern energy services throughout the region.


Our multidisciplinary team in Benin comprises 12 professionals, including electrical engineers, socio-economists, environmentalists, GIS experts, and geographers. Since 2005, we have collaborated with Marcel Dossou Kohi, who has served as the director of our subsidiary since its establishment. Our offices are situated at Villa N°16, Allée des Flamboyants, Houéyiho City, Cotonou.


  • Control and Supervision of Transformer Installation: Oversight of the addition of a 63/15 kV transformer and HV connection to the FABRIMETAL plant at the Sémé substation, funded by SBEE/FABRIMETAL. (2022).
  • Capacity Building for SBEE Staff: Enhancement of skills and knowledge for SBEE personnel in electrification and energy planning, financed by the Beninese Electric Energy Company (SBEE). (2021).
  • Support for OCEF Mini-Grids Deployment: Assistance with finalizing concession agreements and monitoring during the deployment phase of mini-grids, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. (2020-2022).
  • Technical Project Management and Social Intermediation: Management of the Calavi network restructuring project, electrification of 80 villages in the Atlantic Department, and 22 localities in Ganvié, funded by AFD/EU. (2016-2024).
  • Update of Benin’s Electricity Master Plan: Revision of Benin’s Master Plan for electricity production, transmission, and distribution up to 2045, funded by the World Bank. (2020-2022).
  • Technical Assistance for HV Network Rehabilitation: Reinforcement and rehabilitation of the HV transmission and distribution network in Cotonou and major cities, including technical studies, ESIA, CAD, and support for contract awards, funded by MCA. (2017-2021).
  • Electrification Works Supervision: Execution studies and oversight of electrification projects for 105 localities connected to the national SBEE grid, funded by AFD/EU (Energy Facility). (2009-2013).