Energy Efficiency. N/A  N/A



Energy of Audit of the Textile company “Teinture de Saint Jean”

Country : France .
Client : Teinturerie de Saint Jean .
Start Date : 15 november 2007
Completion Date : 15 january 2008
Value of services : 6000€
Funder : ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) - Région Rhône-Alpes
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
“Teinture de Saint Jean” is a SME located in Thizy region in France. The company has a long history of large production volumes and its equipments are sized accordingly. However, it must now face new challenges and operate on very different markets in terms of sizes, delivery deadlines, margins etc.

The company therefore tries to optimise its production equipments and reduce costs. As far as energy is concerned, the steam boiler and stenters heated by mineral oil as heat conductor are the prime energy consumers of the factory.

The questions asked by the managing board are thus “are these equipments exploited efficiently? Is it necessary to invest or upgrade them?”
Description of the Actual Services Provided The study aimed at providing concrete figures to support the decision making process of the company. The steam boiler and textile frames have been treated distinctly.

As far as stenters are concerned, main aspects monitored have been:
• Consumption at the feet of machines,
• Primary energy consumption, including distribution and heating losses
• Optimisation of stenter operation

The boiler is studied with its load (or speed) and its average production output, which have been monitored. From this data, a scenario has been drafted to analyse the opportunity of replacing the boiler with a new one, sized according to the new requirements of the factory.

Results :
The study demonstrated that stenters were not energy efficient and not efficiently operated. The steam boiler is oversized but its overall efficiency factor still remains acceptable.
On the basis of these results, the company decided to invest in new stenters and to keep the existing steam boilers.