Power generation. Power transmission  Hydro electricity



Update Benin Electricity Production Distribution Master Plan by 2045

Country : Benin. .
Client : Ministry of Energy
Start Date : 2020-09-01
Completion Date : 2022-05-31
Value of services : 287 754.80 EUROS
Funder : World Bank .
Associate/Partner : EEC
Description :
The update of Benin's production-transport-distribution master plan for 2045 consists of the study of sectoral strategic documents, the study of the discrepancies between the last planning (2015) and the implementation of the recommendations, the updating of the demand forecast, the situation of the electrical system (production-transport-distribution), the modelling of the supply-demand balance in order to determine the investment sequence in production plants allowing the lowest cost of electricity while respecting strict criteria of supply reliability and respect for the environment, modelling the evolution of transport-distribution works to ensure the feeding of loads, economic and financial analysis to determine the profitability of each project-carrying entity, drafting an implementation plan to guide the action of Beninese authorities and finally training Beninese managers to the tools used to enable them to update the master plan.
Description of the Actual Services Provided •Study of sector documents: data collection and analysis through the prism of electrical sector planning
•Critical review of the 2015 master plan. Analysis of 2015 recommendations and review of the gap between recommendations and achievements
•Updated demand forecast: capitalization on studies conducted between 2015 and 2020 and update of 3 scenarios (Low, Median, High) by 2045 (energy, peak, loss, spatialization, hourly load curves)
•Planning of the means of production: the state of the works, the determinations of assumptions and planning constraints (discount rate, maximum CO2 emission, reliability of supply, penetration rate of ENRs), analysis of primary energy sources (hydropower, hydrocarbon import, electricity import, solar production, biomass production; determination of optimal investment sequences in the means of production in order to guarantee the supply-supply
•Planning of transport-distribution: the status of existing structures, the planning of transport works in order to transport energy from production points to consumption points according to standard technical constraints.
•Economic and financial studies: studies for each entity in the sector (SBEE, CEB, IPPs)to determine the profitability conditions of each entity (average selling price per final kWh)
•Implementation plan: detailed description of the actions to be undertaken by the Beninese authorities to follow the recommendations of the plan in terms of investment in production works and transport-distribution
•Training on planning tools : demand forecasting (DAP), generation planning (GAP), transmission network modelling (NAP)