Rural electrification. Renewable energy  Power distribution



Study for the setting up of a conducive environment to off-grid electrification in Benin

Country : Benin
Client : Millenium Challenge Account Benin II (MCA-Benin II)
Start Date : 11/2016
Completion Date : 12/2019
Value of services : 1 808 540 € (1 272 899 € base period + 535 641 € option period)
Funder : Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Associate/Partner : Practical Action Consulting (PAC), UK
Description :
The objective of the study is to promote off-grid electrification in Benin by creating a political, technical, institutional and financial environment conducive to the emergence of small private entrepreneurs in the subsector
Description of the Actual Services Provided 1. Development of:
- an off-grid electrification Policy, complementary to the grid policy
- a Strategy for implementing this Policy
- an off-grid Master Plan, detailing priorities, options, funding needs and how to monitor its implementation
- an institutional and regulatory framework securing (i) private activity and (ii) projects financing
- a communication program aimed at ensuring good information, through the animation of a dedicated web-site, towards private actors, the banking sector and civil society
- appropriate technical and environmental standards adapted to off-grid projects and in line with future interconnection needs
- Taking into account the "Environment" and "Gender and social inclusion" dimensions in the development of all documents

2. Capacity building of institutions (ME, DGE, ARE, ABERME, UCPDER) and private sector:
- Technical assistance and coaching to government structures
- Training/capacity building sessions for “Access to Off-Grid Electricity” institutions and the private sector