Technical assistance
Power generation. Power transmission  Information systems



Technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of the Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP) organization

Country : Congo. Angola. Burundi. Cameroon. Centrafrica. Gabon. EquatorialGuinea. DRC. Sao Tome-et-Principe. Rwanda. Chad
Client : CAPP – Central Africa Power Pool based in Brazzaville
Start Date : 01/11/2013
Completion Date : 31/10/2015
Value of services : 1 429 994 €
Funder : European Union
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
The overall objective of the program is to strengthen the cooperation and regional integration of Central Africa countries by strengthening the role and capacity of African power pools as key players in the development of a regional energy market.
More specifically, the objective is to allow the Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP) to fulfil its mission and achieve its strategic objectives at short and medium term by strengthening its capacities in the following key areas:
• Coordination and monitoring of both, cross-border electrification projects and interconnected network extensions;
• Production and transmission network planning,
• Strengthening CAPP members including its Permanent Secretariat effectiveness,
• Developing and implementing effective procedures and operating practices of the interconnected system and trading of electricity;
• Development and implementation of initial trade rules of regional electricity market.
• Development of a GIS based web plateform for energy for the CAPP area :
Description of the Actual Services Provided Services provided by IED include the following tasks:
- Development and dissemination of a strategic document of regional energy policy (SDERP) and to ensure and coordinate the monitoring of the implementation of the energy strategy of the Central African region over the period 2013 – 2030 ;
- Development and dissemination of institutional and commercial agreements of interconnection projects and ownership thereof by senior members of CAPP ;
- Training of CAPP executive members and Permanent Secretariat to acquire required skills for preparation, presentation, coordination and monitoring of bankable projects in order to extend the cross-border interconnected network;
- Capacity buidling of CAPP executive members for managing, monitoring and conducting projects required capacity for the proper conduct and operation of interconnected networks;
- Establishment and installation of a geo referenced information system (GIS) on the electrical systems of member countries to allow the CAPP to produce reliable power statistics information reports.
All these activities need to provide the CAPP with the necessary tools for the planning and implementation of projects of interconnection between the countries of ECCAS.