Technical assistance
Bio electricity. Rural electrification  N/A



Design and setup of investment projects in decentralized electricity generation units in Cambodia

Country : Cambodia. .
Client : IED-Invest .
Start Date : 2013
Completion Date : N/A
Value of services : 370 000 €
Funder : FFEM (French Fund for the World Environment) .
Associate/Partner : Cambodia Consulting Development Engineering (CCDE)
Description :
In Cambodia, micro-grids are operated by private electricity suppliers (Rural Electrification Company). They can either produce and distribute electricity, or purchase electricity from an independent producer - that proposes the current project. Given production costs currently recorded in conventional thermal systems and local potentials, solutions biomass gasification offer promising prospects for rapid development.

The project consisted to supply two isolated mini-grids in Cambodia by electricity production from gasifier plants using rice husk, residues surrounding plantations and wood, as well as strengthen associated distribution networks.

IED-Invest financed and operates the gasification system via its subsidiary in Cambodia, mobilizing funds through equity, loans and grants. On the basis of a PPA contract types approved by the regulator, IED-Invest Cambodia sell all of its electricity production to Rural Electrification Companies who continue their normal distribution activity in their license area, but at a better price for their clients.

The total investment required for two sites exceed two million, it was decided to sequence their implementation in order to control the risks, both technical and financial.

IED assumes the role of Assistant Project Manager and Tasks Manager. Directly linked with IED Invest through a contract, IED provides its expertise and works with the support of CCDE, its subsidiary in Cambodia.
Description of the Actual Services Provided The project can be broken down into seven key steps:
1. Financial engineering and institutional/legal arrangements with Cambodian institutions,
2. Concept design, consulting and contract settlement with providers,
3. Construction, installation, testing and commissioning of power plants,
4. Training and implementation of the teams,
5. Electrical work,
6. Management and monitoring,
7. Operation of the decentralized power generation units on of the decentralized power generation units.