Hydro electricity. N/A  N/A



Prospection of hydroelectric falls in west French departments

Country : France .
Client : GEG EnER (Gaz Electricité de Grenoble -Energies Renouvelables)
Start Date : June 2011
Completion Date : December 2012
Value of services : 67 210 €
Funder : GEG EnER (Gaz Electricité de Grenoble -Energies Renouvelables)
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
Gas Electricity of Grenoble - New and Renewable Energies (GEG EnER) is a company dedicated to the development / exploitation of clean and renewable energy production. Group GEG exploits to date, via a subsidiary company (EnER), 11 hydroelectric power stations located in the departments of Isere, Savoy and Doubs with a working installed capacity of 22 MW and an annual production of approximately 90 GWh.
This company was fixed for objectives to double its means hydroelectric production from 2010 to 2020 and entrusted IED with a mission of search and evaluation new hydroelectric power stations with working installed capacity equal or higher than 1 MW.
The entrusted mission includes three distinct phases:
* A phase of sites identification on the basis of inventories,
* A preliminary evaluation phase to examine the conditions of their development,
* A last phase relating to the examination of their technico economic feasibility.
The perimeter of search for these resources is defined into the three following geographical departments:
* Zone 1: Isere, the Hautes Alps and Drome,
* Zone 2: Ain, Savoy and Haute Savoy,
* Zone 3: Doubs and Jura.
Description of the Actual Services Provided At the time of this mission, each phase entrusted to IED oblige with the validation of a certain number of established pre criteria.
Phase 1 set up a list of hydroelectric sites on the basis of existing inventories / desk studies. This work is also based on an engineering and environmental compilation of data basis near institutional actors like DREALE, DDT…
The waited returned documents are a data base with hydro site geographical referencing and cartographic positioning, compiling the main environmental, legal and technical constraints. At this stage, one the basis of selection criteria defined by GEG/EnER, some of potential sites emerge from the analysis and was proposed in phase 2.
Phase 2 checks that there are not strong restrictions in the development of the sites selected in phase 1. Sites visits and surveys supplement, in this phase, desk studies and the main constraints observed into phase 1. The main salient features of each selected sites are there defined.
Phase 3 is a traditional feasibility study (F/S) for each site finally retained in phase 2. Each F/S is established according to the ADEME book.