Renewable energy. N/A  N/A



Identification of critical success factors for renewable energy based projects in developing countries

Country : OTHERS
Client : European Union .
Start Date : 1997
Completion Date : 1997
Value of services : 15 500 €
Funder : European Union .
Associate/Partner : ETSU, ICAEN IFE, Ernst & Young ltd, IED, FONDEM
Description :
In order to identify the main success factors in novel financing mechanisms for renewable energy projects in developing countries, the European Commission, in the framework of the Thermie programme, commissioned the consortium formed by ETSU, ICAEN, IFE, Ernst & Young ltd, IED, FONDEM for the following tasks :
1.Identifying from the projects undertaken by the different partners innovative financing mechanisms, studying the concept and the related organisation, and evaluating the replicability of the schemes ;
2.Defining what « success » covers in each selected case, and identifying what were the main success factors for each type of financing scheme ;
3.Studying the influence of local specificity in the success of the different financing schemes ;
4.Proposing a strategy for the utilisation of innovative financing options in Developing Countries where financing is a major barrier, a better industrial co-operation and to the sustainability of projects.
5.Disseminating, by an international seminar, the results of the study
Description of the Actual Services Provided IED especially contributed in the elaboration of the methodological frame and in the analysis of case studies in the Sahel and the Philippines.