Power distribution. N/A  N/A



Development of a synthesis document on the electrification of suburban areas (India, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua)

Country : Indonesia. Costa Rica. Argentina. Ecuador. Nicaragua.
Client : EDF - Electricité de France .
Start Date : 1997
Completion Date : 1997
Value of services : 45 000 FF
Funder : EDF (Electricité de France) .
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
The slow infrastructure development in suburban areas of developing countries constrains the Electricity utilities in adapting their strategy to face the numerous problems met in those zones, non technical losses, weak consumption per unit, frauds…

Conscious of these issues, Electricité de France, la Caisse Française de Développement, and the French Ministry of Co-operation initiated a working group on this theme, financing the execution of case studies, and the organisation of a workshop in Paris in September – October 1996 in which representative of about 15 Developing Countries met.
Description of the Actual Services Provided In line with this first initiative, Electricité de France asked IED to write, from the case studies and the workshop, a communication document on the theme of the Electrification in Suburban areas. This document, published in the collection of « Management stories » is published in French and English and was distributed to Developing Country Electricity Utilities.
IED, from the experiences presented, and lessons learnt from the workshop :
* Defined what the word suburban covers,
* Identified the necessary innovations required to implement a long term sustainable electrification programme, including : technical, organisational and financing innovation,
* Highlighted the necessity to replace these aspects within the company strategy.