Wind power. N/A  N/A



Regional Strategic plan for wind energy development

Country : France .
Client : N/A
Start Date : 2005
Completion Date : 2005
Value of services : 10 800€
Funder : ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) - Région Rhône-Alpes
Associate/Partner : Asconit Agence de Paysage Ménard
Description :
Coiron area, located east of the French Ardeche Department and boarding the Rhone river, constitutes an important wind potential area. It raised a lot of interest from wind developers during the past years, leading to a great number of wind farm projects in development or already undergoing. The increase in number of wind projects led to difficult social situations in some villages.
Thus, local representatives have decided to initiate a territorial study in order to better appreciate the capacity of Coiron area to receive wind projects, as well as the impact of such projects on landscape, environmental and financial issues.
Description of the Actual Services Provided The study includes 3 phases :
- Phase 1 - Inventory and statement of state : data collection of socio-economical and land ownership context, existing wind projects, assets of the territory as well as environmental, landscape and technical constraints. This phase enabled to establish a cartographic atlas as well as an appraisal report
- Phase 2 - Diagnostic and analyse of main issues. This phase evaluated the social acceptability as well as local willingness/opposition of developing or not wind projects. It is carried out through intensive survey, interviews and consultation works. The analysis of various sensitivities and constraints identified in phase 1 was carried out through a spatial analysis in order to identify a synthesis map of favorable/unfavorable areas.
- Phase 3 - Elaboration of wind development strategy and recommendations : Edition of the planning scheme, a charter for expected wind development project, and landscape guidelines for 2 or 3 sites

Within this framework, IED is more particularly in charge of the various technical studies, as well as on identification and proposal for local financial effects.