Capacity building
Renewable energy. Information systems  Rural electrification



Capacity and institutional strengthening for rural electrification and development, Decentralized Energy Options (CAP REDEO)

Country : Cambodia . Laos
Client : Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy of Cambodia (MIME) .Ministry of Energy and Minerals of Laos (MEM)
Start Date : December 2006
Completion Date : December 2009
Value of services : 345 287 €
Funder : European Union (IEEA -Intelligent Energy Executive Agency) - French State (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Associate/Partner : ETC Foundation, IEG, EDC, MIME, EAC, SV, MEM, EDL
Description :
Informed policy formulation and decisions in the area of rural electrification for poverty alleviation required an adequate planning tool, and this project proposed to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tools for policy makers in rural electrification planning.
IED was the leader and main contributor of the project.The project was implemented over 36 months with the participation of two European partners and subcontractors from Laos and Cambodia, including national utilities, ministries in charge and regulatory bodies.
The present action aimed at developing adequate capacities in both countries for integrated development planning and energy. The objective of the project was to improve the impact of rural electrification in sustainable development and poverty alleviation by establishing effective cross-sectoral investment and planning capacities and instruments using GIS tool.
The outputs provided the required tangible elements for the formulation of appropriate policies and measures to reach this goal: a GIS planning tool GEOSIM was transferred to the countries and detailed Provincial level plans elaborated.
Description of the Actual Services Provided • Establishment of national level data base with GIS interface with all available rural electrification, rural development and potential energy resource data;
• Concrete plan for electrification plan at Provincial level comparing grid extension and isolated grid – connected or not to the main source – various scenarios and GIS interface.
• Planning, institutional frameworks and policies – multisector integration of rural electrification – national level; for provincial level rural electrification and development plans and policy elaboration
• Training on tools and institutional / policy level capacity strengthening. Replicable training programmes
• Operational groups familiar with policy issues articulating rural electrification as an input to rural development dynamics
Expected outcome was the potential to sustainable formulate rural electrification for development policies and programmes, which should effectively orient the investments for an improved impact on poverty alleviation.