IED conducts a feasibility study in Madagascar for the Fanovana site hydroelectric installations

In Madagascar, IED, in association with ISL and ILS Topo Africa, provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEH), for the  feasibility study of the hydroelectric development of the Fanovana site (9MW),  as part of the global project to improve governance and operations in the electricity sector (PAGOSE) funded by the World Bank.


The site start-up and reconnaissance mission took place just before the pandemic, in March 2020. The first development scenarios are emerging, and further studies will begin in terms of topography, geotechnical, and environmental studies.

IED will be in charge of the study regarding the electrical connection and integration of the hydroelectric power plant on the grid, the contracting strategy (PPP) as well as the economic and financial analysis.
