20190919 110233In 2019 in Benin, IED has trained 12 managers of electric sector on how to use Manifold GIS software to manage geo-referenced data. Participants attended four one-week sessions, at IED offices in Cotonou. This training took place as part of an Off Grid project funded by the US Millennium Challenge.
 Through progessive workouts they got familiar with the different functions fof a GIS-software:
- Data import from multiple sources (GPS, spreadsheet, other GIS formats)
- Digitization of data, from paper maps or satellite views
- Layout and edition of maps
- Spatial analysis that allow, for example, automatic calculation of distances between the different elements of the map
IED also supported the participants in establishing procedures for updating their GIS database.
All these skills will enable institutions to manage Benin's electricity sector data in a harmonized way - in a software that everyone can handle, and in order to optimize available  tools to electrify Benin.